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Music is Love – Interview 005 – feat. Trevor Kelly

August 13, 2014
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If you were at the Audiowaska Stage around 5PM Sunday evening late last April at Lucidity Music Festival, you may have have had your heart opened a little bit by this dude.

When you think of “conscious music” you dont usually think of 808 bass, hip-hop lyrics, and jukey vibes. Trevor Kelly aims to change all that.

We were able to get Trevor Kelly to tell us a little about himself and his latest release “Sacred Fire” on Pirate Sound International.

Enjoy <3

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1. Tell us a little about yourself. Where you located? How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

My name is Trevor Kelly I’m a California native, San Francisco transplant. I have been composing, creating, and performing music since I was 13 – years in various genres and all things musical, live band to electronic. I left standard high school around 15 to pursue my music endeavors full time, composing the instrumental and lyrical parts for the groups and recordings I was involved with. I consider myself a musician, and a bass music producer, not limited to any genre. I strive to express myself, and my love for music, and its ability to positively impact humanity fully through my productions and performances.

2. You just dropped the “Sacred Fire ep”, tell us the idea behind the album.

Sacred Fire represents the endless energy source within and without us. While it is invisible to the eye, it can fuel your purpose, intention and creativity. I wrote the title track off the EP “Sacred Fire” while on my first American tour, when I was in Pittsburgh, the day after my show with Love and Light. I was staying at the BC1-OfaKind house, playing on the new keyboard I bought for the road, snow falling outside. Inspired by the moment, I started writing the main Rhodes lead piano lines, and, from there, the track created itself.

3. “Sacred Fire” is the first EP release on Pirate Sound International. How does that feel? How has the response been?

Pirate Sound International represents the underground pushing through; promoting music that should be heard, available to everyone, and backed with the best intentions! I am honored to help their vision grow and prosper! Much respect!

4. You also have a side project called Pacific Standard, tell us a little about that.

Pacific Standard was created to make a major impact on both the hip-hop and electronic music worlds. A collaboration between myself, Trevor Kelly (producer/DJ) and Ro Knew (emcee), Pacific Standard evolved organically, becoming a natural vehicle for music as a tool to inspire originality, creativity, and the dismantling of any boundaries that divide us as humans! We’re also into drums that knock, earth-shaking bass lines, slick rhymes, and hypnotic melodies. Paying tribute to soundsystem culture and hip-hop culture, our debut EP “Local Honey” is out now for FREE download on our Soundcloud and Bandcamp pages; Our LP, “Timeless,” is a modern record reflecting the California mind state that inspired it. Release date SOON TBA!

5. You are kind of a one-man-show. As an artist that doesn’t have the support of manager / booking agent how do u manage yourself? 

Great question.

It is a challenge! Trying to maintain creative integrity in a very competitive business world is, if nothing else, educational. To move forward, we all need to surround ourselves with people we trust, those who share our vision and are willing to work alongside our efforts. No man is an island…it takes teamwork.

It’s a different day in music. I’m not solely the artist, dedicated exclusively to my craft, I’m the business man, managing and maintaining the status of my career. So many different avenues must be covered to cultivate myself as a well marketed and productive artist. There is so much music out there nowadays, its a challenge to make waves in the vast sea of producers. A balance must be maintained between myself as an artist, and how I’m being received.

I keep a current flow of fresh music out for release while actively seeking out new and bigger bookings/festivals. The challenge becomes: how can I keep up with my marketing, booking, and promotion commitments while maintaining a high level of production? Time for music is of the utmost importance. I keep on the grind, and stay as healthy, and grateful as possible.

6. Where do you find your biggest source of inspiration ?

I derive much of my inspiration from the hardworking producers, and artists around me. Musicians who go out of their way to make music their main priority, living day to day to get to the next booking, next EP. Music that has intention and depth. From the people who truly support and enjoy the music we make! They go out of their way to make things possible for us to thrive and perform!

7. Any artists you want to give a shout-out to and think we should check out?

Oh man . . . loaded question! So many good artists out there at the moment. Gotta shout out Yheti, Taso, DJ Rashad (RIP), B. Bravo, Ro Knew, G jones, Doshy, Grimblee/Hecka, Hypha, Duffrey, Shlump, Billy Kenny, Taiki Nulight, Jafu, to name a few on my radar and in my sets!

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Check out “Sacred Fire” via Pirate Sound International:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

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