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The Best In The West

December 3, 2015
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The world of west coast bass music seems to be generously overflowing with a talented pack of artists who have been absolutely crushing the NorCal scene recently with their innovative, 808 centered trap/dubstep hybrid productions. With some of the most forward-thinking and influential trap and bass artists congregated in one place, it seems only fitting that their diverse skills get represented in one place, too, and that’s just what happened with the release of ShadowTrix Music‘s Shadows: Volume One [STM 006].

Lucidity Music Festival artist, Trevor Kelly and fellow NorCal bass producer, Treemeista‘s ShadowTrix Music label just released a staggering 32 track debut compilation album to showcase some of the best and brightest minds in the west coast bass music scene, like fellow Lucidity artist Shlump, The OriGinAlsKompozartBenjah Ninja and more, all for free.

Shadows: Volume One [STM 006] proves to be an experimental, bass heavy journey through the low-end that beautifully demonstrates the depth, diversity and exciting personality of the genre, all laced with quintessential NorCal hip-hop swag. From the exotic, laid back style of Pushloop‘s “Sundari” to The OriGinAls’ grimy, bass face inducing “Safron,” Shadows: Volume One [STM 006] is a vast grab bag of tasty tracks that’s a dream come true for even the pickiest of bass loving, 808 obsessed listeners. Check out Benjah Ninja’s track “Bless It” featuring Dylano below and name your price for the entire release here!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/235624183″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

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