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Risk-y Business

February 21, 2016
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Hailing from Washington D.C., Marcio Alvarado, a.k.a Alvin Risk, has been tearing up the electronic music world for over a decade now, beginning as co-founder of the drum & bass group Corrupt Souls, then venturing into a solo career under the alias Telemetrik, and finally blossoming into the world-renowned DJ and OWSLA/Dim Mak artist that we all know and love today. Risk’s musical outputs have run the gamut of genres in his short yet prolific career, thanks to his obsession with making all sorts of noise, dating all the way back to his childhood. Whether he’s cranking out dreamy soundscapes, earth shattering dance floor anthems or expertly DJing a multitude of tempos during his live shows, Alvin Risk always aims to bring as much energy and versatility as possible.

Be sure to catch the electrifying stylings of Alvin Risk during his return to Santa Barbara on March 3rd at EOS Lounge. There will be a $15 – $20 cover at the door, so in order to avoid lines scoop your pre-sales w/ VIP entry here!

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