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1.31.15 Nous Aimons Zimmer

January 29, 2015
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Just four years into his music career, Horizontal Disco/House producer, Zimmer, has already managed to make a name for himself as one of the leaders of the new French house sound. After capturing the attention of the music world for his unique tropical house and disco music, Zimmer has been able to make a name for himself for both his remixes and fun reworks and edits. On top of his highly acknowledged abilities as a remixer and producer, Zimmer is also an internationally recognized DJ and hosts a religiously followed mixtape series.

The Parisian producer has a very unique and creative perspective that allows him to create stand-out tracks with ease. As a producer, Zimmer draws influences from having two very different homes, California and Paris. By fusing west coast feel-good grooves and French flare, Zimmer’s music blesses listeners with a year-long summer state of mind.

Zimmer will be joining us in Santa Barbara, January 31st at Earl Warren Showgrounds. For more info about the show, check out the event page on Facebook and purchase tickets here.

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