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The recent full moon in Scorpio this past Monday brings a time of cleansing and release. Scorpio represents emotional depth, sexual intimacy, complexity, and mystery. Unafraid of darkness, the scorpion believes in shared values and resources; harboring an intensity that enables powerful transformations to take place. Accept, embrace and release the intensity that this moon cycle will bring. 
We wouldn’t doubt that An-Ten-Nae’s second “Medicine Crunk” release intentionally paralleled itself with the new full moon, as his sound causes you to focus on dark and light, mirroring our current astrological shift. For years, the “crunk” pioneer has found a way to refresh and re-stylize a genre that can become extremely stale and overdone. 
“Anthems for the people” is how we would describe the bass artist’s latest medicinal mixtape. An-Ten-Nae incorporates tracks that present a message of positivity and perseverance through the dark; encouraging us to “rising again” during a time of overcoming, and hopefully, reinventing for all of us. 
Deep, mysterious, and emotional tracks incorporate tribal chanting and wordily sounds separate from our current time and space. An-ten-nae counteracts his hypnotic sound by balancing in offsets of heavy, synth-forward electronic tracks that bring a lighter quality to his self-proclaimed sub-genre. The weave of the two sounds create a dramatic shift, much  like the full moon in Scorpio.

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