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As March quickly comes to a close, we find ourselves yet another week closer to Lucidity Festival’s fourth annual celebration, Kindred Quest. This year’s lineup invites festival-goers to experience an exceptional array of DJs, under a variety of different styles and genres, as they gather together for the weekend. With sets ranging from experimental modern bass artist Thriftworks and Dirtybird‘s Christian Martin to the acts featured on the previous weeks of our Lucidity Countdown, Pumpkin and Grensta, the music featured at this year’s Lucidity Festival is guaranteed to appease even the most avid music lover. With one more week gone by, we can add yet another highly anticipated act to Music is Love’s Lucidity Countdown series: Truth.

With a signature dialed back tempo, powerfully dark productions and profound underlying message, New Zealand bass duo, Truth, has taken the low-end dubstep game by force. Since rising to fame in 2007, Truth has perfected a unique style that bridges the gap between deep, heavy, dubstep and emotionally rich productions. As Truth continues to cut a clear pathway through the international music scene, they carry with them the exceptional skill of thunderous sound production, impeccable DJing abilities and an insightful philosophy on the nature of “truth.”

As the third featured act on our Lucidity Countdown, Truth delivers a seriously dark twist to our promo series. While seamlessly transitioning between some of bass music’s freshest tracks, timeless Truth productions (like “The Only Ones”, “Burglar” and “Devil’s Hands VIP”), and dubstep classics like Skream’s “Midnight Request Line,” Truth’s Lucidity Countdown mix perfectly demonstrates their dynamic influences and command over their signature heavy sound. With an infectious and understated style, Truth consistently excels in fusing the freshest elements of ominous, twisted, dubstep and seductively deep bass vibes. It’s safe to say that Truth will be attracting only the most diehard dub fans to their set at Lucidity’s Nomads’ stage.

Catch Truth Sunday evening, April 12th at Lucidity Festival 2015, Kindred Quest, and grab tickets here!

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Check back for Track List . . .

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